Meeting Booking System

Making it easier for you to contact us is a priority of ours here at FIRST in Texas.

Please use the form to check the schedule of the person you are interested in booking a meeting with. Our system allocates meetings in either 30 min or 60 min increments.

NOTE:  When booking your meeting, please ensure you enter your cell phone and email address. The system will send you a one-time password to your cell phone to confirm the meeting and will then send you the calendar invite to your email.

We know that more minds working together is a good thing, so if you would to include others on the list in the same meeting, please indicate that in the notes field and we will update the meeting invitation when it arrives.

Also, if you are unable to attend the meeting, please let us know so we can remove it from our calendars; thus freeing up the opportunity for us to engage with someone else.

Thank you for being FIRST in Texas!

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Privacy Statement

Information collected using our booking system is only used to confirm identities and confirm meetings for FIRST in Texas. It will never be given to any other entity without your expressed consent before doing so.

Your data is important to us, and we appreciate your trust.